Felled on October 10, Wednesday, the annually Automesse Cup welcomed us with clear, cool and sunny weather. The time attack style event is shaping up to be the best ever as the competition proved to be extremely tight in all classes from qualifying to the finals that draw staggering 1,500+ challengers to hone their techniques at high-speed banked track in TIS (Taiwan International Speedway). Adding to the day, the final outcome of the contest is pretty much dramatic whilst our 595RS shod rider –Tom Yang has immediately displayed his driving superiority by finishing first overall in front of the capacity audiences. The record time he has set was less than a couple eighth of a second before runner-up and his victory is triumph for Federal to claim the tile as well. This was however a huge and roaring success where we really prove what the product can rule.
It seemed downright furious all afternoon when it is all about speed, power and exhilaration – a nail-biting, heart-pumping contention between Taiwan’s legendary sport, and that’s not enough - a much hyped and eagerly anticipated fight has fine tuned with a margin of just within a minute that Tom has surging forward and posting faster lap time to thrill the viewers.
Set against this backdrop Tom’s response to the news that Federal had been successful was very telling. In a reference to how much 595RS improved the performance of the game, he stated:” With Federal RS outfitted on my Nissan Siliva s14 I could feel much grip out there thereby easily handle the move during cornering, it was more like attaching a turbo to the engine. The set I use are extremely effective and give me a great sense of confidence by capturing many other racing marks to honor my driving career.”
He also announced his success into the professional arena fuelled with full scale of manufacturer efforts: “It is very into the point for drivers to have the tyremaker’s support behind them. Both the input and backup that I have geared from Federal team is far beyond as a tire supplier has provided.”
Federal has entered motorsports early and the niche market has given a great competitive advantage to further strengthen our position in the industry. Nothing could be further from the truth to demonstrate the winning capabilities of 595RS ultra-high performance tire for tire choice is everything and every second counts when talk about racing. We couldn’t be happier with the number of podiums secured on Federal Tyres, and we expect to see more new champions rise to the top.